8 Simple Fitness Tips Daily for Success

8 Simple Fitness Tips Daily for Success
image source: istockphoto.com

8 Simple Fitness Tips Daily for Success: Congratulations on taking a step forward to get in shape and feel great. Many people are guilty of eating junk food and watching TV all day long to get a sculpted body. But that is not all. While shaping may seem like a long, time-consuming process, there are many positive effects of trying to get in shape. Here are some tips to help you get started:

8 Simple Fitness Tips Daily for Success

1. Exercise Daily

Exercise at least one hour daily. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. If you want to lose a few pounds fast, do a high-intensity workout. For example, go for a brisk walk for an hour.

Or, you can jog during that hour and set regular intervals for sprints. Make sure you don’t get severe pain during your workout. Just a warning, your muscles will ache after a high intensity workout. This can be irritating, but it also means that your body is changing for the better. Stay hydrated, stretch and eat protein after each workout. Protein will help keep your muscles, not fat, rebuilding.

2. Make sure you’re eating healthy

Ask almost any personal trainer and they will tell you that regardless of your training objectives, healthy eating is the backbone. Food fuels your body to achieve your goals and you are more likely to stop if you do not get proper nutrition through quality foods. Maintain a balanced diet consisting of healthy fats such as fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, whole proteins and fish oils and flaxseeds. Check out Best Vegetables for Weight Loss.

3. Prepare ahead

Personal trainer and fitness competition world champion Mikah Laserte says that preparing meals in advance gives you a better chance of meeting your nutritional goals. That way, he says, you won’t feel pressured to eat unhealthy food or skip meals.

4. Keep Track of Calories and Food Intake Per Day

Keeping track of how many calories you eat in a day will help you plan your physical exercise. Ever wondered why bodybuilders have such a big body mass? Because they plan their meals and consume more (healthy) calories than the average person. On the other hand, losing weight and striving for a leaner body will involve more physical exercise than the calories you eat.

5. Eat more clean food

Do you eat only three meals a day? Not a great idea. Veteran personal trainer Mike Duffy says, “The half of the people I deal with don’t lose weight because they don’t eat enough. Duffy advises his client to “boost their metabolism five times a day, every three hours,” with two mini-meals in three basic meals. As activity levels decline throughout the day, he advises “eat less as the day progresses.”

6. Be Sure to Get Sleep

Even though most of us have eight hours of work day or night, it is important to get enough sleep to recharge our body batteries. Six to eight hours of sleep keeps the body moving throughout the day, but if you feel tired after coming home from work, get some sleep before exercising. You should only sleep for half an hour. This will prevent you from staying up late.

7. Carefully consider cardio

If your goal is to get bigger, throttle back to your cardio workouts, says Lassert – chances are you’re burning too many calories. So what if you still want to go into some cardio? “A light jog for 20 minutes a few days a week is enough,” says LaCerte. If you are definitely aiming to burn fat, while keeping your total calories low, focus on getting enough protein per day (usually one gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight).

8. Stay Motivated

The key to being in shape is to set goals and keep a positive mindset. If you stay positive, you will be able to push yourself to get the body you always want.

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